Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Template & Tutorial

    Hoshin Planning, also referred to as Hoshin Kanri or Policy Deployment, is an operations management system used to help achieve strategic goals. Hoshin Planning is a seven-step process for systematic goal development, implementation, and evaluation.

    This planning system improves business efficiency by focusing on communication and accountability for each team within a company. Because of this, Hoshin Planning could be an effective way for warehouse managers to increase efficiency in their operations and avoid challenges that came up in the last year.

    Developing Goals in the Hoshin Kanri System

    The Hoshin Planning system requires you to establish a vision and set achievable goals for each department and/or team in your company. You should examine your company’s long-term goals, mission statement, and current structure to create a vision to accomplish.

    Once a vision is created, the next step in Hoshin planning is identifying key objectives and annual goals. Your key objectives should identify areas where success is critical to achieving the company vision. Similarly, setting yearly goals can provide long-term improvement objectives for your company to work toward.

    Once these goals are identified, they should be put into measurable and achievable terms for each department level. Hoshin Planning puts importance on communication and feedback within all levels of a company. This helps each team prioritize their goals and increase accountability.

    How Do I Put Hoshin Goals into Action?

    How Do I Put Hoshin Goals into Action?

    Once goals have been identified and put into measurable terms, the next step in Hoshin Planning is working to achieve company objectives. This includes problem-solving and removing barriers that could limit measurable improvements.

    Specifically, clarifying objectives or directions could help increase warehouse efficiency. Using constant communication during this process helps keep team members aligned with the company’s vision and creates a positive work environment.

    Evaluating Company Goals and Team Efficiency

    The final component of Hoshin Planning is reviewing the results. The review process can be completed on a monthly and annual basis. In monthly reviews, you should examine how well the company meets its goals and what changes could be made to increase progress.

    Similarly, annual reviews can yield a more holistic understanding of how closely the company is fulfilling its yearly objectives and vision. During an annual review, you should evaluate annual goals and examine what high-level adjustments should be made to further increase efficiency.

    Get Started with Hoshin Planning Today

    Many businesses that implemented Hoshin Planning have seen increases in company efficiency. Using a management system focused on communication, accountability, and review could positively impact your warehouse or operations system.

    To help companies apply Hoshin Planning into their workplace, the experienced operations experts at HapiGig created a 2021 Hoshin Planning template for you to use for your warehouse operations. To begin using Hoshin Planning in your warehouse, download our template today.